Freedom, Feminism, And The Modern World

Shweta Singh
4 min readAug 15, 2020

A world where we all feel extraordinary with ordinary knowledge. Oops! I shouldn’t have said it. But fine. After all, we all got freedom of speech.

In the digital world, everyone has become opinionated as we are communicating like never before.

Big thanks to the power of phones and the net.

At times, I’m confused, if the modern world is a curse or a boon?

No doubts, I love all the technologies around. But the concern here is are we using it right and for the right?

Have we well-understood words like freedom, feminism, equality, sexism, and a lot many topics that we talk about almost every day? Have we? Or do we just gain knowledge from some “self-proclaimed” experts on social media?

My dad once told me, “ if people were to name based on their jobs, then everyone would be an opinionist “. And I find it so true in today’s time. It’s not that back in generations people lacked an opinion. Since mankind, there are opinions. What we lacked was a platform. And in the digital modern world — we all got platforms for our voices.

Today, we have got both — opinions and platforms.

But crazy haywire thoughts are still there.

The knowledge is getting diluted and blurred with each passing day. As the world is full of experts!

I believe we as a society are failing to understand terms like freedom, feminism, and many more society driven terms.

Here on Independence day, I’m trying my bit to put some light on below “understood yet overrated” topics.

Non- Dominant Freedom

How many of you are non-dominant? Or is freedom just for you? And how do you define it?

Morally, freedom should be non-dominant. But is it? Or is it even possible?

In a democratic country, dominance is a part of everyone’s life. Either you talk about personal, professional, or social life — dominance is there. And dominance and freedom can’t go hand in hand.

We all have dominated thoughts, family, partners, and society. We live in a society where people enjoy checking on others more than checking on themselves. And that’s a good practice only if it’s making a positive impact on people you are checking. But if it is turning into a posionic society. Then, yes. We need to stop it.

The Women’s Plight

Yes, if you are a woman — you do.

But if you are a man — I’m sorry, you’ll never know.

Every day, I come across many feminist jokes as if the term shouldn’t be there in the first place.

And let me clarify that first, I’m not a feminist — I’m a woman and a human first. Can we look at each other as humans first, before considering gender? If we can do so, I don’t think we need any term like feminism.

But, if we can’t. Then, I’m sorry. But we do need it.

We deserve equality, not tags.

The most common thing the world searches for in women is “Beauty”. I want to know, why only women are meant to be beautiful not men? Aren’t we all beautiful? And how do we define beauty? Fair color or good figure? Is our parameter right? Think. Think twice.

I believe we all are beautiful in an ugly society. We all are beautiful irrespective of gender.

Society has numerous “Lakshman Rekha” especially for women that need to be watered-down.

Independence of Thought

If you think something crazy, and fix your mind within seconds rather than giving wings to your thoughts.

Happy Dependence Day! Dependence on all “N” numbers of reasons and excuses you give yourself just not to try that crazy Idea.

Don’t we all have different books and so different chapters? Or have you read all the books of the world to judge a person?

The entire idea is to celebrate the “Independence of thoughts”. Learn to think freely and accept others’ thoughts warmly.

The Final Thought

In the modern world, let’s be modern with our thoughts, rights, knowledge, and freedom. Firstly, let’s learn to be better listeners — the world is full of stories waiting for listeners. Learn to understand things before you are understood.

At the end of the day, we all crave to be understood. This independence let’s listen and understand the country, and its people to fix the issues.

We are dependent on politics, corruption, inequality, and many other things that are not letting us celebrate the best of our freedom.

We all know there are problems everywhere — family, society, and even country. We all have so many complaints about people and politics around. Let’s try fixing things, and start from yourself.

We have the power to be vocal and opinionated — let’s use it right!

Being a defense daughter, I want people to stand for rights rather than ignoring the wrong. I want people to fix the root cause of the problem, not the fruit. Most Importantly, I want people to fight for the right, instead of fighting for who is right.

We all are soldiers, let’s bring it out!

The world is so big to blame but too small to change.

Jai Hind!

Happy Independence Day!

Originally published at on August 15, 2020.



Shweta Singh

Orator. Wordsmith. NewsWoman. Voracious Reader. Avid Traveler. Wannapreneur.